FAST-TRACK: Eight-Week Breakthrough Healing Program

A Eight-Week Breakthrough Healing Program
So, you have done some trauma healing work, but there are still parts of you that haven’t returned even after the healing journey you have been on.

The FAST-TRACK program is perfect for you as it will shift you from just existing to thriving.

You can be on your way to being the best version of yourself, TODAY. 

This is for you if…

  • You still feel empty and unfulfilled.
  • You don’t like your life and sometimes even yourself.
  • You are emotionally overwhelmed by the conflict between the life you want and the one you are currently living.
  • You always feel as if something is missing in your life while watching others thrive.
  • You are living with the regret of missed opportunities and wasted time caused by low self-esteem and fear.
  • You haven’t tapped into your purpose, and you feel lost. You feel as though you should have figured your life out by now, but you haven’t, and it frustrates you.



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A Eight-Week Breakthrough Healing Program
So, you have done some trauma healing work, but there are still parts of you that haven’t returned even after the healing journey you have been on.

The FAST-TRACK program is perfect for you as it will shift you from just existing to thriving.

You can be on your way to being the best version of yourself, TODAY. 

This is for you if…

  • You still feel empty and unfulfilled.
  • You don’t like your life and sometimes even yourself.
  • You are emotionally overwhelmed by the conflict between the life you want and the one you are currently living.
  • You always feel as if something is missing in your life while watching others thrive.
  • You are living with the regret of missed opportunities and wasted time caused by low self-esteem and fear.
  • You haven’t tapped into your purpose, and you feel lost. You feel as though you should have figured your life out by now, but you haven’t, and it frustrates you.

With FAST-TRACK, you get to…

  • Bring back the sunshine and life into your life.
  • Learn to accept and fall in love with yourself and enjoy your own company.
  • Learn to trust yourself and your inner voice and gain the confidence to insert yourself in the spaces that matter to you.
  • Find your why, your purpose, and what fills you up.
  • Learn how to manage trauma triggers, so they don’t keep sabotaging you.
  • Identify and heal self-sabotaging behaviour and beliefs
  • Learn how to set healthy boundaries to support and maintain your newfound life.

What to expect inside the program…

  • Emotional Clarity of your current state (your “as is”) and the mapping of your breakthrough journey
  • Assessment of your emotional stumbling blocks (what keeps tripping you and prevents you from breaking through)
  • Emotional BREAKTHROUGH Journey
  • Activities to help you sustain your journey in and post-program
  • 1:1 (1 hour) weekly coaching sessions
  • Program support and access to me 7 days a week


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